How to Give Someone Access to Your Google Analytics

Google Analytics will provide your web design team with the insights needed to make strategic updates to your website or redesign project. Follow our simple how-to guide to provide us with access to your Google Analytics account.


How to Give Someone Access to Your Google Analytics

Google Analytics will provide your web design team with the insights needed to make strategic updates to your website or redesign project. Follow our simple how-to guide to provide us with access to your Google Analytics account.


Sign in with the username and password you created for Google Analytics.


Click Admin, and navigate to the desired account/property/view (this will typically be set to the correct account and property by default)


In the Account, Property, or View column (depending upon whether you want to add users at the account, property, or view level), click User Management.


In the Account users list, click +, then click Add new users.


Enter the email address for the user’s Google Account.


Select Notify new users by email to send a message to the user.


Select all four checkboxes.


Click Add

And that's it! You're all set to get your site SEO optimized.

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